Real estate advertisements / Property offers:
Property listings summarized by type
Gastronomy and living ForeclosuresStorage area for saleFortresses for rentAgriculture surface for saleoffice building for rentcold storage for rentDouble / Terraced houses ForeclosuresLuxushotel for rentoffice building for saleRetirement home for rentManor house for saleTerrace apartment ForeclosuresDuplex for salePractice area for saleShipping warehouse ForeclosuresCoworking ForeclosuresOffice block for saleKoal power plant ForeclosuresDiamond mine for rentLeisure facility for salehigh-bay warehouse for rentStore for rentInvestment for rentcombined heat and power plant ForeclosuresHunting and forestry for saleOffice/ Practice for saleTerrace apartment for saleProduction hall for rentVacation rental for rentForest for rent